Frequently asked questions.
S8 Drugs Policy
Practitioners DO NOT prescribe S8 addictive drugs.
Note, Practitioners have real time prescription monitoring software. This program is introduced by department of health to stop prescription shopping. Centrally connected to national prescriptions database. With a click of a button, doctors will be able to confirm if you were prescribed / dispensed a prescription recently.
Results Policy
Requests for results are not given over an email or phone unless agreed at the time of initial visit. Patients will need to make an appointment to see the doctor. Your doctor will advise you when the expected results will arrive at the practice.
Some normal results follow ups are bulk billed if you see the same doctor for follow up. However, At doctors discretion, a fee may be payable if your results are abnormal leading to a brief consultation and / or if you require referral or script.
My Medicare Registration
Department of health have commenced “My Medicare” patient registrations. MyMedicare patients will have access to greater continuity of care with your registered practitioner, improving health outcomes, longer Medicare Benefit Scheme (MBS) funded telehealth consultations with your GP, more regular visits from your GP and better care planning for people living in a residential aged care home, from August 2024 and connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024.
Eligibility: a Medicare card or DVA card holder and at least two face to face visits recorded with us in the previous 24 months.
How to Register: Medicare Online Account, Express Plus Medicare Mobile App, MyGov or Click below link, print, fill and send to us.
More information is available via
Accepting New Patients
The doctors we support are accepting new patients by appointment subjected to availability. Click “BOOK NOW” button and select new patient. Bring a valid Medicare card for Medicare rebate and a Photo ID to verify your identity. Medicare card and a photo ID is mandatory for every consultation. Same day appointments are available on most days. We recommend you to book an appointment in advance where possible.
Face to Face and Telehealth Consultations
The doctors we support are offering face to face and telehealth consultations. We are requesting you to wear a Mask if you have any respiratory infections or Book a telehealth appointment. Medical centre is a high risk setting with immunosuppressed, elderly and babies. Telehealth Medicare rebate is available if you had one face to face consultation in the 12 month period.
Referrals and Prescriptions
All referrals and prescriptions (new and repeat) require a consultation with your doctor. Please note that a referral is a legal document, it cannot be backdated or issued without a consultation with your Doctor. Your Doctor will determine if a referral is warranted.
Flu & COVID Vaccines
Private & Public FLU Vaccines Available Now.
Under the National Immunisation Program, Public Free Flu Vaccines are provided to Children aged 6 months to less than 5 years, All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and over, Patients with certain Chronic Diseases, Pregnant women, People aged 65 years and over. Private flu vaccines are available for purchase to patients who do not meet free flu vaccine requirements. Private Flu vaccines are available in our clinic for $25 purchase if you are not eligible for a free flu vaccine.
Click “Book Now” button and select “Immunisation” from the drop down list. Please note, book an separate "15 min appt" if you like to discuss your results or prescriptions.
Childhood Vaccination
We offer childhood vaccines along with the nurse so that we will have a helping hand for measurements, handling babies or injection administration simultaneously. Our nurses are available Mon to Fri between 9am to 5pm. Contact us for up to date info.
Urgent Care
Call Triple Zero “ 0 0 0 “ in an emergency.
Mental Health - Lifeline Support - Crisis & Suicide Preventive, Call 13 11 14
Nearest Hospitals with emergency departments:
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA) - 50 Missenden Road Camperdown. Phone: 02 9515 6111
St Vincent’s Hospital - 390 Victoria Street Darlinghurst. Phone: 02 8382 1111
Prince of Wales Hospital - 320 Barker Street Randwick. Phone: 02 9382 2222
Sydney General and Eye Hospital - 8 Macquarie Street Sydney. Phone: 02 9382 7111
Sydney Children’s Hospital - High Street Randwick. Phone: 02 9382 1111
For less critical but urgent medical attention,
Maroubra Urgent Care Walk-In Clinic 806 Anzac Parade Maroubra.
National Home Doctor Service on 13 SICK (13 74 25)
Home visits are available on request for less mobile patients whose condition may restrict them from visiting the clinic. Private $300 gap per visit may apply.
Communication Policy
Doctors in this facility may be contacted during normal surgery hours. If the GP is a with a patient, a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when it is likely that the doctor will return your call. Your call will always be put through to the GP in an emergency.
For all other matters, the doctors we support have asked us to offer an appointment to the patient to discuss the matter either face to face or by telehealth. Doctors do not accept any requests for clinical information over email since we are unable to assess and examine your condition properly.
Recall & Reminder System
Your practitioner is committed to preventative care. You may receive a call with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you wish do not wish to be a part of this system, please let us know at reception or with your Doctor. Alternatively, you can reply STOP when you receive an SMS.
Management of Patient Health Information
Healthcare facility and your practitioner abides by the ten Australian Privacy Principles and ensures personal health information is held in strict confidence and only available to members of staff and authorised individuals.
will not give out patient details or medical information over the phone or email
will not disclose medical information to your partner or other family member unless specifically agreed
will not disclose medical information of a child aged 14 or over to a parent unless specifically agreed
Please note that according to legislation and Medicare rules a child aged 14 or over may attend a GP alone and consent to normal medical treatment without the parents knowledge or consent.
Change of Personal Details
Please advise the reception staff of any change of details as soon as possible. This is very important so we can contact you if necessary for any health-related matters.
Complaints & Feedback
We are always open to feedback from you about the facility. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints very seriously so that we can improve and become a better practice. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or business manager. Our practice will endeavour to respond to any suggestions within 7 days of receipt.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Practice has a zero tolerance policy for any form of aggressive, intimidating behaviour, verbal or physical.
Any person acting in an aggressive or intimidating manner will be asked to leave the premises immediately, or if this occurs over the phone, the phone call will be ended immediately. Practitioner or the practice may no longer continue to provide ongoing medical care to any person who engages in any form of aggressive or intimidating behaviour and their medical records will be transferred to another medical practitioner nominated by the patient.
Non Smoking Policy
For the Health and Well being of our Patients, the practice has a strict non-smoking policy. Smoking is not allowed within the practice or in the immediate vicinity. Your adherence to this policy would be appreciated.
Interpretation Service
Patients from non-English speaking backgrounds are able to contact 131 450 to book an interpreting service. (Private fee may apply)
National Relay Services are available via 1800 555 660. For more information, visit
Transfer of Medical Records
Transfer your Medical Record from your current / previous clinic to your practitioner at Botany Road Doctors to continue your care. Request a transfer of medical records form from one of your doctors here. If you wish to transfer your medical record from your practitioner at Botany Road Doctors to another medical centre, A written request is required acknowledging to your practitioner. There will be a fee of $66 to cover our admin & doctors time, software subscription fees, stationary, IT hardware and postal fees if any.
Q. Who owns my health record in Australia? (The NSW Health Record and Information Privacy Act 2002 - HRIP Act)
A. The healthcare provider who created your medical record owns the record. However, you have rights to access your health record by signing a transfer of medical record form. NSW privacy law gives you a general right to access your health information.
Email Policy
Your practitioners have recently adopted secure messaging via the clinical software. This software programs sends an secure email with a password. We request you download all attachments, delete the email as soon as possible to avoid any potential online security breaches. Botany Road Doctors or practitioners take no responsibility of security breaches. Verbal consents are taken at the time of consultation.
For all communications outside the software program which may contain sensitive data, they prefer not to communicate via emails. If you request a copy of medical information, you will be asked for a fax number, postal address or to pick up from surgery.
AGPAL accredited – what does this mean?
Being accredited means the general practice is committed to a comprehensive program which involves engaging our whole practice team to review our practice’s systems and processes, opening our practice doors to allow a team of independent surveyors to assess how our practice operates. Assessment of our practice, and achievement of the nationally recognised Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for general practices, that focus on health care quality and patient safety.